The production of liquid CW or SCW concentrates obtained by UF in small/medium size dairies can be a solution for the valorization of such by-products in view of their use as new ingredients in food product’s development. Liquid whey protein concentrates result from the selective concentration of whey proteins by means of UF, where these concentrates are used directly as ingredients in the manufacturing of other dairy products. Henriques et al. studied the effects of the use of LWPC partially replacing skimmed milk powder in yoghurt formulations.
- De la Fuente M., Hemar Y., Tamehana M., Munro P., Singh H. Process-induced changes in whey proteins during the manufacture of whey protein concentrates.
- Milk production is a highly energy-dependent process and requires sufficient ATP .
- In developed countries, butter is made from cream that has been churned .
- Liquid whey protein concentrates result from the selective concentration of whey proteins by means of UF, where these concentrates are used directly as ingredients in the manufacturing of other dairy products.
Food waste produced across the supply chain poses negative environmental, social, and economic consequences. The sample fractions described above were further separated and identified on an LC-20 AD nano-HPLC system loaded with Q-Extractive mass spectrometer . Buffer C consisted of 2% acetonitrile and 0.1% formic acid in Milli-Q water; buffer D consisted of 98% ACN and 0.1% FA. After resuspension with buffer C, 10 μL sample supernatant was loaded by the auto-sampler onto a C18 trap column (2 cm × 100 μm, 5 μm) and then separated on the reverse-phase analytical C18 column (100 mm × 75 μm, 3 μm).
Compositional Quality of Whey
It is clarified milk fat with incomparable organoleptic properties, which make it an important ingredient in a wide variety of food applications . About 30–35% of the milk produced in India (112 million tons in 2009–2010) is converted into ghee . A blackish brown residue mainly the SNF part of cream was coagulated out during ghee preparation as a by-product when cream is heated is known as ghee residue.
The use of adequate equipment for receiving, cooling, storing and Milk By-Products Utilization of milk, so as to take care of the maximum volume of flush production and of special products. All piping, around storage tanks and other areas, should be checked on mis-assembly and damage that may lead to leakage. Management practices cover a wide range of water consumption and process operation activities. Well controlled processes reflect good management qualifications, while bad practices are a reflection of poor management. The qualification “fair” signifies that good as well as bad practises occur. With good management practices, values of BOD 1 kg/ton and produced wastewater below 1 kg/kg may be reached.
Statistical analysis
Ripening of cream prior to clarification reduces the yield of ghee residue . It is one of the largest by-products of the dairy industry and consists mainly of milk proteins and small quantity of lactose and minerals.
- The main difference between both wheys is the mineral content, the acidity, and the composition of the whey protein fraction.
- In developing regions the technology in use for the making of butter and ghee is closely related to the technology to make fermented milk.
- World production of bovine whey was estimated around 160 million tons per year .
- Finally, a coordinated approach requiring input from producers, feed suppliers, researchers, policy makers, and retailers is critical for the development of successful strategies for inclusion of food loss and waste in livestock diets.
- Lactose is an important ingredient in infant formula and in food processing.
WPH are soluble in a wide range of pH, have good viscosity in solution due to water binding, promote cohesion, adhesion, elasticity and improve the emulsification of fat and whipping. WPH are good emulsifiers and when used in addition with polysaccharides their emulsification ability is improved. CW has a yellow-green color due to the presence of riboflavin and contains about 65 g of total solids per liter. Whey represents 85–95% of the milk volume, retains about 55% of the milk nutrients and approximately 20% of the total protein content .
Technologies Applied in the Valorization of Cheese Whey and Second Cheese Whey
A number of comparative trials have shown that whey to be more valuable than sour whey for feeding pigs. Livestock can play a key role in using food waste and by-products by converting low-value materials into high-quality products. Protein preparation and digestion were performed as in the previous studies . The reduced and alkylated protein mixtures were precipitated by adding 4 × volume of chilled acetone and incubating at − 20 °C overnight. After centrifugation at 4 °C and 30,000×g, the pellet was dissolved in 0.5 M TEAB (Triethylamine borane; Applied Biosystems, Milan, Italy) and sonicated on ice.
Chhurpi manufacture is a convenient way of converting the fat and protein of milk into nutritious product with good keeping qualities as milk into a product which is not likely to deteriorate. The appearance, flavor and texture of the finished chhurpi depend on three parameters; time, temperature, and acidity. Chhurpi is an example of application of combined methods among shelf stable products. Heating, acid coagulation, addition of sugar and sorbate, smoking, drying, and packaging in a closed container make the product more stable . The same authors also studied the effects of the addition of WPC and clarification by-products obtained from ovine cheese whey and SCW on the yield and quality of the whey cheese. The addition of ovine WPC and clarification by-products on the manufacture of whey cheeses was considered interesting since it increased yield without affecting the gel strength of the products . A study for lactose production using SCW and evaluation of the crystallization process at different pH levels and concentration factors was described by Pisponen et al.
Using a pilot-scale biological trickling filters in series with different operating conditions, Tatoulis et al. co-treated hexavalent chromium (Cr) with second SCW or winery effluents. The authors concluded that the wastewater could be used as a carbon source for Cr reduction.
- The mixture is heated on a low fire until a good deal of water has evaporated.
- In addition, the proportion of whey protein is slightly lower in whey obtained from ultra filtered milk, and in whey obtained from milk heated at high temperature.
- Liu Y., Zhang W., Zhang L., Hettinga K., Zhou P. Characterizing the changes of bovine milk serum proteins after simulated industrial processing.
- Skim milk gives the best return when fed to very young animals, constituting the greater part of their food.
- Compared to RO, it provides an energy gain of approximately 45%, as it uses lower transmembrane pressures.
It may be used in human and animal food products; it is valuable in confectionary, baked foods and cheese foods and makes excellent chicken feed. Avoidance of foaming of fluid dairy products, since foam readily runs over processing vats and other supply bowls and contains large amounts of solids and BOD. The use of air tight separators, proper seals on pumps and proper line connections to prevent inflow of air when lines are under partial vacuum, will avoid foam production. Neville J. Developments in whey protein and lactose permeate production processes and their relationship to specific product attributes. Henning D., Baer R., Hassan A., Dave R. Major advances in concentrated and dry milk products, cheese, and milk fat-based spreads. Henriques M., Gomes D., Pereira C. Liquid whey protein concentrates produced by ultrafiltration as primary raw materials for thermal dairy gels. Sansonetti S., Curcio S., Calabro V., Iorio G. Bio-ethanol production by fermentation of ricotta cheese whey as an effective alternative non-vegetable source.
Hardness, adhesiveness, gumminess and chewiness of rennet cheese were significantly affected by WPC addition. The same impact was observed on such parameters in WPC-treated acid cheese except gumminess. The sensory evaluation indicated that adding of WPC improved body& texture and flavor of non fat cheese. Rennet cheese treated with 4% WPC and acid cheese treated with 2% WPC ranked higher total scores than control and other WPC-treated cheeses.